
Moskitoo is a sound artist and singer based in Tokyo. Born in Tokyo and raised in Sapporo, she made her solo debut in 2007 with the album DRAPE, released on the NY-based label 12k, founded by Taylor Deupree. Since then, she has collaborated and worked with many musicians, including FilFLa.
Moskitoo’s music continues to explore new relationships between sound, music, and voice. Her work starts with her own voice as the foundation and weaves in various instruments, including guitar and toy glockenspiel, along with everyday sounds, non-instrumental noises, and accidental elements. Through improvisation and unexpected sounds, she navigates the space between sound and silence, tracing the contours of unseen worlds. With an acute sensitivity to the subtle phenomena created by the textures and spatiality of sound, she handles every aspect of her creative process, including design, to craft her unique world.
She has toured across Europe, North America, Canada, and Australia, performing at diverse events in Denmark, Korea, and beyond. In addition to her live performances, she has contributed sound design for video works, short films, and vocals for TV commercials and corporate sound logos.
In October 2024, Moskitoo released her latest album Unspoken Poetry on the Japanese HEADZ/WEATHER label.
以後、FilFla、Sontag Shogunなど多くのミュージシャンと制作、コラボレーションを行っている。
2024年10月、最新作『Unspoken Poetry』を日本のHEADZ/WEATHERレーベルよりリリース。
Moskitoo Works
- Moskitoo “Drape” (CD ALBUM/12k/2007)
- Moskitoo “Mitosis” (CD ALBUM/12k/p*dis/2013)
- REMIX “Moskitoo Remixes” (CD Single/12k/2007)
- Moskitoo & Sanae Nishio “Si Sol E.P” (7inch EP/see recordings/2009)
- Sontag Shogun & Moskitoo “The Things We Let Fall Apart / Thunderswan” (7inch/Home Normal/2017)
- Minamo & Moskitoo “Superstitiom” (12inch/12k/2020)
- Moskitoo “冬の海の声の記憶 Original Soundtrack” (Digital EP/Watasii/2024)
- Moskitoo “Unspoken Poetry” (CD ALBUM/HEADZ/WEATHER/2024)
Selected Collaboration Works
- FilFla “Frolicfon” “Sound Fiction” (HEADZ/JP)
- FilFla “FlipTap” (someone good/p*dis)
- FilFla “Micro Carnival” (HEADZ/JP)
- Gurun Gurun “Gurun Gurun”(HOME NORMAL)
- Simon Scott “Navigare”(Miasmah Recordings)
- FourColor “As Pleat”(12K)
- Vegpher “Minutus”(progressive form)
Selected Commercial Works (Singing)
- TOKYO FM News / Traffic Reoport
- NHK World – “Artisan x Designer”
- ライオン
- 花王
- 象印マホービン CI
- 日本電産 CI
- アース製薬 CI
- Wacoal
- カネボウ
- 江崎グリコ
- ソニー銀行
Selected Tours/Performances
- 2007 Japan Tour (Tokyo, Kyoto, Nara, Osaka, Hiroshima)
- 2008 European Tour (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Lyon, Geneva, Zurich, Colmar, Marseille, Ruben, Glasgow, Dordrecht)
- 2008 North America Tour (Boston, New York, Winnipeg, Canada)
- 2011 Australian Tour (Perth,Canberra,Sydney,Brisbane,and Cairns/Tour Organized by Room40)
- 2014 Mitosis Release Japan Tour (Tokyo, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Tagawa, Oita, Hiroshima, Kobe)
- 2015 Show in Korea (Festival Morph/Hongdae, Seoul)
- 2016 Show in Copenhagen,Denmark (Cherry Music 2016)
Original Music
- 高山康平監督短編映画 「冬の海の声の記憶」 劇伴制作(2023年)
- 林勇気 映像作品展示「Planetarium」 楽曲制作
(監督:林勇気/2012年/展示会場:柏プラネタリウム/アートラインかしわ2012) - iPad/iPhone 「音楽絵本 銀河鉄道の夜」楽曲制作
(宮沢賢治作、西念武志/L’AIR DE SAINEN製作・開発、2011年) - 短編アニメーション作品 「the outline of everything : the second sense of touch」 楽曲製作
- Moskitoo “Drape” release(12k/US)
- Moskitoo “Remixes”release(12k/US)
- 12k artists Japan Tour
- FilFla “Frolicfon” release(HEADZ/JP)
- Remix for Miou Miou “Electronique”(Rally/JP)
- Participation in V.A “the silence was warm vol.2”
- European Tour(Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Lyon, Geneva, Zurich, Colmar, Marseille, Ruben, Glasgow, Dordrecht)
- Live in New York and Boston
- Live in Send + Recive festival 2008 (Winnipeg,Canada)
- Moskitoo & Sanae Nishio “Si Sol e.p.” release(See Recordings/JP)
- Participation in “FABRIQUE” (ROOM 40) -#3 Fourcolor
- Participation in “NAVIGARE” Simon Scott (Miasmah Recordings) – #10 sound and voice
- Participation in “88 Tapes” (kesh recordings)
- Participation in Gurun Gurun “Gurun Gurun”(Home Normal)
- Participation in FilFla “Sound Fiction”
- Remix for “DAYS OF BEING OF WILD AND KIND” (Nothigs 66/JP)
- Participation in Live V.A “Tasogare:Live in Tokyo”(12k/NYC)
- Participation in FourColor “As Pleat” (HEADZ/JP)
- Remix for flag.flog “Secrets of the lake” (murmur records/Nature Bliss)
- Music production and composition for “Night on The Galactic Railroad・Music picture book” (for iPhone/iPad Music picture book/Ongaku Ehon)
story by Kenji Miyazawa, designed by Takeshi Sainen. - Australian Tour (Perth,Canberra,Sydney,Brisbane,and Cairns/Tour Organized by Room40)
- Participation in FilFla “Flip Tap” (Someone Good/AU)
- Participation in Vegpher “Play” (Flyrec.)
- Music for Short Film “THE OUTLINE OF EVERYTHING : THE SECOND SENSE OF TOUCH” Directed by Yuki Hayashi
- Moskitoo “Mitosis” Release
- Participation in Vegpher “Plus”
- Participation in Pawn “Portrait Re:Sketch”
- Moskitoo Mitosis Release Concert in Planetalium × Alioth
- LULL, 2013 – Sound installation curated by Taylor Deupree
- Moskitoo “Mitosis” Release (12k/US)
- Participation in Keiichi Sugimoto “Play Music” *Singing for A-track 10, B-track 25
- Music Video “FRAGMENTS OF JOURNEY”(dir:Yuki Hayashi) screened at Image Forum Festival2014/programF
(Tokyo,Kyoto,Fukuoka,Nagoya,Yokohama) - Mitosis Release Japan Tour (Tokyo,Kyoto,Fukuoka,Oita,Hiroshima,Kobe)
- Music Video “FRAGMENTS OF JOURNEY”(dir:Yuki Hayashi) screened at Film Festival in Germany Frankfurt “NIPPON CONNECTION”
- Radio program “TOKYO FM News” *Singing
- Radio program “TOKYO FM Traffic report” *Singing
- Show in Korea (Festival Morph/Hongdae, Seoul)
- Show in Copenhagen,Denmark
- Participation in FourColor “Ballet”(12k/Duenn) *Reading in tracks 3
- Music Video “FRAGMENTS OF JOURNEY”(dir:Yuki Hayashi) screened at Kino”CinéMayence” in Germany Mainz.
- ライオン 『hadakara(ハダカラ)』CM Sound Logo *Singing
- 花王『バブ』CM 「中村アン実感」篇 「いとうあさこ実感」篇 本編音楽、サウンドロゴ *Singing
- カネボウ化粧品 『EVITA』CM Sound Logo*Singing
- Sontag Shogun & Moskitoo “The Things We Let Fall Apart / The Thunderswan” Release (Homenomal)
- stabilo and Moskitoo “Pare Your Words” (split EP/Digital)
- アース製薬 CI *Singing
- キユーピー サラダクラブ, ワコール SUHADA, TVCM *Singing
- ニベア花王 『8×4』 2017SS CM SoungLogo *Singing
- Remix for Haco “Suiqoo” (Digital Album)
- 日本電産 Sound Logo *Singing
- cleadew, Y!mobile, Wacoal SUHADA ONE, 江崎グリコ ホーバル, AJINOMOTO 味の素KK 勝ち飯® TVCM *Singing
- ニベア花王「エイトフォー」Sound Logo *Singing
- 象印マホービン Zojirushi CI *Narration
- Participation in FilFla “Micro Carnival” (HEADZ/JP)
- カネボウ コフレドール, 花王 ビオレ, 三井ショッピングパークポイント, LOWRYS FARM, FUND DRESS, cleadew, メディキュット, Wacoal SUHADA ONE,ニッピコラーゲン化粧品 TVCM/WEBCM *Singing
- 東京美容外科,LITALICO CI *Singing
- Support Surface SS 2020 Collection *Guiter,Chorus with Sawako,Shin ARAKI(表慶館)
- cleadew Sound Logo *Singing
- Minano & Moskitoo “Superstition” Release (12k/US)
- Participation in Vegpher “Minutus”(PROGRESSIVE FOrM/JP) *M4, M6: Lyric, Co-Composed and Vocal, M8: Voice Materials
- 積水ハウス, TVCM/WEBCM *Singing
- トヨタモビリティ東京 CI *Singing
- Tokyo FM Program『TOKYO FM NEWS』『ドライバーズ・インフォ』Sound Logo *Singing
- Tokyo FM Program「エールを届けるラジオ便」Sound Logo *Narration
- Square Japan Sound Logo *Singing
- Moskitoo “Nunc” Release (Digital Single)
- Remix for Sayaka Tanimoto “Mizuiro”(WAKUSEI/JP)
- MAQuillAGE, ヨコハマタイヤ, ONE BY KOSE, 積水ハウス TVCM *Singing
- Participation in Sontag Shogun & Lau Nau “Valo Siroutuu”(Ricco Label) *Tr14 Singing
- Participation in Federico Madeddu Giuntoli “The Text and The Form”(FLAU) *Tr11 Singing
- Rakuten Brand Day, PERSOL, Jasmy, Dell XPS, ミツカン, BOTANIST ROOTH, ヨコハマタイヤ, LAVA, Diane, などTVCM *Singing
- アキュビュー® ディファイン®Sound Logo *Singing